Welcome to Eastern Youth Orchestras


To donate, you can mail a check to Eastern Youth Orchestras, PO Box 3257, Greenville NC 27836 or donate through this secure PayPal link

Thank you for supporting the arts development of our area youth!


Each parent is encouraged to consider serving on the Board of Directors. With a vast wealth of experience and knowledge, our parents can offer much to benefit this organization and the children it serves.

The Board of Directors consists of 9 sitting members:

  • President: organizational leader; presides over meetings
  • Vice President: assist the president
  • Treasurer: conducts all financial business
  • Secretary: records meetings; disseminates information; maintains folders
  • Website & Programs
  • Other: Publicity and ad sales; by-law changes; advisor and liaison for community teachers

Terms: 3 years with two consecutive terms possible IF the person is willing to serve another term. After two terms the person must rotate off the board for a minimum of 1 year.

Time commitment is minimal - 2-3 meetings per semester with attendance required at all concerts.

In addition, parents can help by bringing goodies or helping to organize, serve, and clean up at the to concert receptions

Nurture young musicians with a gift to the Eastern Youth Orchestra! Your tax-deductible donation will help provide:

  • Scholarships
  • Expansion of our orchestral library
  • Stipends to conductors, clinicians and ECU teaching assistants

Recognition: Levels

  • Conductor's Circle: $500.00 or More
  • Concert Master's Circle: $250.00-499.00
  • Principal's Circle: $150.00-249.00
  • Friend of The Orchestra: Up To $149.00

You can mail a check to Eastern Youth Orchestras, PO Box 3257, Greenville, NC 27836

For the Eastern Senior Youth Orchestra, in honor of Alex Moll (1994-2013). Alex's love for music and passion for life inspired so many. A long time member of the Eastern Youth Orchestras, Alex was an outstanding cellist and a dedicated musician, who set high goals and distinguished himself both in the educational and musical realms. For over six years he fought against a difficult type of cancer, approaching life with a determination to succeed and to experience everything life could offer.

Among his many accomplishments, Alex was the 2012 ESYO concerto winner, performing Faure’s Elegy with the orchestra. As a high-school junior he was selected as a member of the prestigious Youth Sinfonietta, a chamber orchestra under the direction of North Carolina Symphony conductor Grant Llewellyn. He played with the Grant Llewellyn Orchestra during his junior and senior year.

A kind, generous, and intellectual young man, Alex was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania, where he played in the University of Pennsylvania symphony Orchestra, and completed his freshman year in May of 2013. In addition to his full academic load, he worked as a volunteer cello teacher with underprivileged children in West Philadelphia.

To honor Alex’s courageous life, his love for music, and his dedication to this organization, the Moll family established a memorial scholarship for the purpose of aiding young musicians to expand their musical talents and horizons.

If you would like to donate to the Alex Moll Scholarship, you may do so by simply indicating that this is where you would like your donation directed.

You do not need to have a child in EYO in order to show your support! Included among the ways you could get involved and help are:

  • Joining the EYO Board
  • Help with organizing, serving, and cleaning up at the receptions
  • Bring goodies to the concert receptions
  • Monetary Donation (see above)
CONTACT US BY EMAIL: info [at] easternyouthorchestras.org .:. Eastern Youth Orchestras© 2021, All Rights Reserved